
Check out our full schedule of courses below. We are excited to be able to offer classroom instructor-led courses in many locations throughout the United States and United Kingdom but also still continue to offer our virtual instructor-led and online self-paced courses.

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Magnet Certified Forensics Examiner (MCFE)

The Magnet Certified Forensics Examiner (MCFE) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence with Magnet Forensics products to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.


Magnet Certified Graykey Examiner

The Magnet Certified Graykey Examiner (MCGE) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence using Graykey to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.


Magnet Certified Verakey Examiner

The Magnet Certified Verakey Examiner (MCVK) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence using Verakey to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.


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AX100 Forensic Fundamentals Online Self Paced

Forensic Fundamentals (AX100) is a beginner-level course, designed for participants who are unfamiliar with the principles of digital forensics. You can purchase training classes directly online using a credit card or if payment by purchase order is required, please request a quotation from

$3,499.00 excl. Tax

AX150 Core Mobile Acquisition & Analysis

Core Mobile Acquisition and Analysis (AX150) is a beginner level course, designed for participants who are unfamiliar with the principles of mobile forensics. The course focuses on iOS and Android devices from the point of collection to the point of analysis whilst exploring Magnet Axiom and Magnet tools such as Magnet Acquire, the Magnet Custom Artifact Generator (MCAG) and Magnet Axiom Dynamic App Finder.

$3,499.00 excl. Tax

32 CPE points

32 CPE credits

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