
We’ve built curriculums for all levels


Magnet Certified Forensics Examiner (MCFE)

Magnet Certified Forensics Examiner (MCFE)


The Magnet Certified Forensics Examiner (MCFE) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence with Magnet Forensics products to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.

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Magnet Certified Griffeye Examiner

Magnet Certified Griffeye Examiner


MCGF certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence using Griffeye to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients.

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Magnet Certified Graykey Examiner

Magnet Certified Graykey Examiner


The Magnet Certified Graykey Examiner (MCGE) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence using Graykey to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.

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Magnet Certified Authenticity Examiner

Magnet Certified Authenticity Examiner


The MCAE certification is an accreditation that demonstrates an examiner's expert-level competence in using Magnet Verify for media authenticity analysis. This certification showcases expertise to peers, internal stakeholders, and external audiences, including legal teams and client

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Magnet Certified Video Examiner  - Witness

Magnet Certified Video Examiner - Witness


The Magnet Certified Video Examiner (MCVE) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence with Magnet Witness to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients.

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Magnet Certified Verakey Examiner

Magnet Certified Verakey Examiner


The Magnet Certified Verakey Examiner (MCVK) certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence using Verakey to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients. Our certification program is free to users who have completed the prerequisite training courses.

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Magnet Certified Cloud Examiner

Magnet Certified Cloud Examiner


MCCE certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence in Cloud investigations using Axiom to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients.

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Magnet Certified macOS Examiner

Magnet Certified macOS Examiner


MCME certification is an accreditation that showcases an examiners’ expert-level competence in macOS investigations using Axiom to peers, internal stakeholders and external audiences, including legal teams or clients.

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